General Information
At usabios.com, we are committed to providing our users with accurate and up-to-date information about celebrities, including their biographies, career details, and contact information. However, it is important to understand the following disclaimers regarding the content and information provided on our website.
Source of Information
All contact information and addresses shared on usabios.com are gathered from publicly available sources, such as social media platforms, official websites, and other reputable online resources. We do not collect or disclose any private information that is not already made public by the celebrities themselves.
No Private Information
We respect the privacy of all individuals, including celebrities. No private or confidential information is shared on our website. The data provided is strictly limited to information that celebrities have chosen to make public. If you find any information on our site that you believe infringes on privacy, please contact us for removal.
Removal Requests
If you are a celebrity or a representative and wish to have any content or information removed from our website, please contact us through our Contact Us page or fill removal request. We will promptly address your request and ensure the removal of the specified information.
No Partnership or Endorsement
usabios.com is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or in partnership with any talent agency, management company, or celebrity. All information provided on our website is for informational purposes only and does not imply any direct relationship or endorsement.
Public Information
The contact information and addresses shared on our site are already public and have been disclosed by the celebrities themselves through their social media channels or official websites. We do not invade the privacy of any individual by sharing this publicly available information.
Legal Compliance
All content on usabios.com is written and shared in compliance with relevant laws and guidelines. We strive to respect the legal and ethical boundaries related to the distribution of public information. Our goal is to provide valuable and respectful content to our users.
Disclaimer of Liability
While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, usabios.com does not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or availability of the information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of our website.
Thank you for understanding and adhering to these disclaimers. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.